Michelle Parry

Wife, Mom, Teacher, Advocate

Welcome to

Empowering Moms To Live Their Best Lives While Raising Children On The Spectrum

“It’s Autism”

Tiny Plant Hand Drawn Intricate Illustration

Reflecting on the day Julia received her diagnosis brings back the chilling memory of the testing, delivered with a coldness that still haunts me. The news hit like a tidal wave, shattering my heart while my daughter slept on my shoulder. This wasn't the parenthood we had envisioned; we left the doctor's office devastated and devoid of hope.

In the aftermath, time became our ally, weaving a tapestry of healing and growth. Our journey through an autism diagnosis is uniquely challenging, and I want to share our narrative – from red flags to diagnosis and the tumultuous in-between. My hope is that our story resonates, offering support and guidance to those navigating the landscape of parenting through the lens of autism.

Botanical Sketches

The Rabbit Hole

Tiny Plant Hand Drawn Intricate Illustration

Before reaching acceptance, I immersed myself in a relentless quest, researching and challenging doctors. We revamped her diet, explored therapies, and I even obtained certifications in ABA Level One and PECS Level 1, fully diving into the world of autism but barely staying afloat. Looking back, that period is a blur; I was just trying to survive.

When Julia entered school, became a fervent advocate. Leveraging my background as a teacher, I recognized the lack of training for educators in understanding and supporting children on the spectrum.

Becoming an advocate became my mission, emphasizing that Julia should be recognized first as a child, transcending her diagnosis.

Botanical Sketches

The Awakening

November 24, 2022, marked a pivotal moment in my life—a day that jolted me into the realization of my vulnerability. As the morning sun streamed into my bedroom, it revealed not just the faces of my concerned husband but also three firefighters, accompanied by the distant wail of an ambulance. It was then that I discovered I was grappling with a severe bout of bacterial pneumonia, completely unaware of the peril my health was in. My oxygen levels had plummeted to a worrisome 86%, and the severity of my condition became undeniable.

It was during my lowest point in the hospital that an unexpected calm enveloped me. In that tranquility, I found solace in a conversation with a higher power, reassuring me that my children would be alright. As I embarked on the slow path to recovery, I made a profound decision—it was time for me to assume the role of CEO over my own health. This journey involved a meticulous exploration of my well-being, encompassing genetic testing, sensitivity assessments, and educational courses.

Paramedics Pulling Out a Stretcher
Medicine Doctor  Working in Hospital or Pharmacist Sitting

Next Steps

What emerged from this introspective voyage was a revelation about my genetic predispositions. I discovered a 10% likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes, coupled with the presence of the APOE E4 gene, making me 3 to 4 times more susceptible to late-onset Alzheimer's.

Armed with this knowledge, I underwent a transformative shift in lifestyle. My newfound commitment to health is not merely a personal endeavor but a profound duty to my family. The quest for a prolonged health span has become my paramount goal—to ensure that I can be a pillar of strength for my loved ones, particularly for Julia, for as long as possible.